"Shifting your attention to something else will distract you from pain; pain requires our full attention."-Diane Ackerman 
By looking at the pain that was happening and reading in the book I decide to make a painting of a girl in all black and white that has a red background. Seeing that red is the color of red and pain and she is having no emotions toward her face so she is out from her perspective toward anything 

"What is a sense of one's self? To a large extent it has to do with touch, with how we feel. Our proprioceptors (from latin for one's own receptors) keep us informed about where we are in space, if our stomachs are busy, whether or not we are defecating, where our legs, arms, head are, how we're moving, what we feel like from moments to moment."- Diane Ackerman 
What the skin sees when it is coming into contact with other people in life, even though we have eyes on our faces that doesn't mean are skin can have eyes as well because they notice things around us more than we think we do. 


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